Thursday, December 18, 2014

Loom Knitting- ski mask, Davey Jones cork screw mask

Loom Knitting- ski mask, Davey Jones cork screw mask

Ski mask:
For an adult size ski mask

  • Wrap and knit 10 rows, then fold over to make a thin brim.
  • Continue wrapping until you have about 9 inches of "hat".
  • From the first peg, 'knit off' 10 pegs. (to tie off, move or decrease posts. Lift post A and move post B over to post A. Then place post A back on top. Knit over. Decrease or tie off complete!)
  • Continue by wrapping and knitting 4 rows, back and forth, of the remaining pegs.
  • Purl the next row all the way around....leaving just one wrap on the 10 pegs that were bound off.
  •  Purl two more rows all the way around.
  • Finish off the hat with 6 inches of the top cap portion and take off as usual!
*** For the Davey Jones hat, I then used a scrap piece of yarn in the same color as my hat and tied the middle of the eye opening closed. To give it 2 eyes.

Cork screws:
Basically you are making a 2 peg i-cord that has extra stitches on 1 peg and repeating only 2 steps over and over.

Cast on:
Using only 2 pegs, place your slip knot on peg 1.
Wrap peg 2 by bringing the working yarn around the back of the peg, around the front, and to the back of the loom between the two pegs.
Wrap both pegs again in a figure 8 fashion by wrapping the first peg from behind and around the front, and then wrapping the second peg from behind and around to the front as before.
You should have 2 loops on each peg. Knit over.

Step 1:
E-wrap knit peg 1, 4 times. So each time you wrap peg one, knit over.
Step 2:
Wrap both pegs in the figure 8, knit over

Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you have the desired length.
It will spiral by itself as you make it.
Bind off by placing the loops from peg 1 on peg 2. Knit over. Then cut the working yarn and pull through the final loop to secure.

*** you will need a lot of these in varying lengths to make the Davey Jones hat. Once complete, attach to the ski mask by sewing it on with a strand of yarn.

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