Thursday, April 17, 2014


Time has slipped away from me. It seems like just yesterday I was holding my second granddaughter in my arms for the first time, and here we have just celebrated her birthday and the birth of or third granddaughter. Granted, it was just under a year in between these two but it was a year that went by very, very quickly! My babies make beautiful babies! Though I think they may have cheated with this newest one and just made a carbon copy of baby number 2! Tell me what you think.....

I have worked very little on the doll house, in all honesty, I have been super busy with babies and spring fever! I did manage to get the doll house's “rock look” on the porch and the tower, and have to say I am pleased with that. Will try to take a picture of it for you guys but right now it is laying on its back letting some glue dry.

Full view, ignore the clothes pins, they are holding pieces together

close up of the "stone work" it's actually eggs shells!

Not sure if I shared this!
close up of the brick work

I made a small fairy garden in a birdbath that I found, and cleaned up last years gardens. I got interested in working with polymer clay and have had so much fun with it! I have made so many little things, for fairy gardens and charm bracelets. I have shared most of the things I made with others, but kept a few that I really liked. Here are a few pictures of things I made.

birdbath fairy garden


hummingbird feeder

BBQ pit


more mushrooms

I also joined a group on facebook that is for fairy gardens. It has been such a blessing for me and I have made a few new friends! Everyone is friendly and shares their experiences with their fairy gardens! This is where I learned about the clay, that is driving Big Daddy crazy and has me playing with it like a kid with playdough! Maybe I can throw some clay tutorials in here for guys if anyone is interested! Let me know!

Other than that, health wise, I am doing much better. I did try to get off all my meds but went back on the Cymbalta because my muscles were hurting again. Its the fibro that causes it and the Cymbalta has truly helped with that! So, good deal, no more back pain after my surgery!

Jason and I were honored to be invited to a graduation for his best friends son. They live in New Orleans, and he was only allowed to invite 4 people and two of those are me and Jason. It is a great honor to be thought of so highly! We will go, and spend the weekend there. It is going to be quiet an adventure! After debating over the things we really want to do while there, and how badly we wanted a nice hotel, I decided that the hotel doesn't matter much at all, we wont be there much, we plan on going to the aquarium and the IMAX theater for sure, and walking around and shopping and all, so I figure we need the money for those things more than we need a nice hotel. I booked us a room in a very old hotel, very, very old. But very cheap too. It's only $50 a night. The reviews on it are mixed, and it has a 1.5 star rating! Not very good at all, but definitely an adventure! Some reviews said it was exactly what was expected of a $50 room, a clean bed and hot shower, others complained about hookers in the lobby and cracks in the ceiling.... Like I said, adventure! We wont be there much, just a place to sleep and big daddy has his gun and permit to carry and I have my angels and my faith, so I think we will be safe enough. Just let me say, if we were planning on taking anyone else with us, we would not be staying here!
That's it!

We leave in May, and will only be gone for a weekend, but it is so needed for us! Once upon a time we would take a weekend trip for every anniversary, but that got put by the wayside and forgotten. We need to recharge and reconnect before something goes horribly wrong in this relationship! Both of us are really looking forward to it!

Well, I think I have managed to tell you all the important things that have happened lately! For some reason, my comments are not showing up on so if you wish to leave any, do so on the facebook link! Thanks for being so patient with me guys!

Until next time, keep on crafting!