Monday, January 27, 2014

Paint, Paper, Stain and Stairs

Paint, Paper, Stain, and Stairs

I haven't forgotten the dollhouse. Haven't even stopped working on it. Just had so much going on I haven't blogged about it. So for you dollhousers out there, here ya go!

First floor stairs stained, painted, assembled and put into place. I have glued them down, I am not sure that I want too because if I ever chose to redo the hallway wallpaper, it will be much easier to remove the stairs and do it that way. They fit in tightly so I don't have to worry about them slipping out. I love the way they came out. This is not your ordinary stair case, it twists and turns with two landings on the first floor, has beautiful banisters and cut outs and add ons and oh, I just love them! The instructions were a little hard on how to put them together, so there was a LOT of comparing the pictures in the instructions and on the box to what I was doing, and then there was the fact that I wanted the part you stepped on to be stained while most of the rest is painted white... THAT was a chore, I had to put them together, with tape,to see what part would be what color, but I finally got it and am super pleased with how it turned out.

I pulled out the pieces for the 2 floor staircase last night, but wont start on it until after I get home from helping my sister and my niece this week. The niece is having her baby Wed. morning,and the sister is having back surgery on Friday morning. Someone is gonna have to stay at the hospital with Toni and then go home with them and take care of both of them for a few days. That gets to be me. I can finally pay them back for all the help they gave me while I was down with my surgery! Did I mention that they came over just to wash dishes and vacuum one day? My family rocks! And of course, don't let me forget to mention Savannah, my youngest son's lady friend. She stayed over and watched me bathe so I didn't fall, cooked and cleaned and babied me!

Okay, back to the dollhouse, I papered the walls of the first and second floor (as much as possible.) Jason took me to Hobby Lobby whee I looked around at the dollhouse wallpaper and said, “Pfft!” It was too expensive for my tastes and I didn't even LIKE them! So I moseyed over to the scrapbook paper and found something to use for the hallways. I have 3 in this house, one on each floor. And because I decided against lights in this house, I knew I needed to go with light colors whenever possible, so I decided on a golden tan color with white in them, but in 3 different designs, one for each floor. They match, but they are not exact. One floor has stripes, one has a sponge painted look and one has some kind of floursishy design. I also got a pink plaid and a pink and white scene type wallpaper (think Blue Willow dishes in pink... something like that) for the second floor bathroom. LOVE the way that turned out!

And, I then went to walmart and picked up a pack of scrapbook paper in teals and blacks and whites and golden tans. The entire pack goes well with hallway colors, and don't worry, (I see you cringing over the word black, I did use a little in the living room, but its a very, very small amount and looks great. So, the living room now has 3 walls done, one is the golden tan and white stripes with teal colored fluer-de-lei's one has a white with teal colored birds (tiny, tiny birds, so freaking CUTE!) and one has the black and teal. BUT the black and teal is about 1/8th the room size. This room has 2 bay windows that will be installed at a later point and I plan on making the insides of those in the golden tan I used in the hallways, I think....

The master bedroom is also located on the second floor. It is being done with one wall papered in royal blue and white, with that fancy blue willow type of design.... why can I not recall what those are called right now? Probably will after I post this! The other walls will be painted white. And this will be the only room where I paint the trim in another color (gonna use the royal blue for this room) the rest will have white trim.

The kitchen (on the first floor) is painted yellow at the moment. I planned on doing it in yellow and white and using blue accents in it, like blue plates and curtains etc. I am thinking that if I can find a pretty yellow and white wallpaper with a little blue in it, I may do one wall but not sure yet as I haven't found anything I like yet.

Now, let me remind you guys that I am the Queen of Good Enough around here. I don't care it people tell me that I should ONLY use dollhouse wallpaper for my walls, because HONESTLY, its MY dollhouse and I like saving money and the scrapbook paper is adorable, way cheaper and much easier for me to work with. I have long been a scrapbooker and I can work with scrapbook paper easily. Also, I ONLY glued the edges of the paper down. I may change my mind about the colors or the paper at some point and want to redo them, having glue just on the edges will make this easier for me.

Okay, so there you go, what I have done on my dollhouse so far....

On another note, we found another dollhouse kit for the eldest granddaughter to do. Its slightly small (okay, WAY smaller than mine) and is a Tennyson dollhouse kit. The plan is to help her put it together. Let her do most of the work and have some fun doing the same thing that Memaw (that's me, is doing). LeiLei is 7 years old, but is the smartest person I know in this world. If she shows the slightest bit of interest in this thing, she will make it very nice! She has a horse barn and the little horses she go for Christmas, I think I will suggest making this into a farm house to go with the horse ranch. It would be adorable with a tin roof! Anyway, let you know how THAT comes out too! We may end up with an entire city before this is over! Here's a look at her house, as done by the manufacturer.

Oh, and sorry to my Nanny, I know you wanted me to count the hours this doll house is taking me, but I lost count somewhere between day one and hour 3....

On another note, I have decided to do our living room floor in pennies.... Yes, the real living room, not the dollhouse house one.... It will take about $6 per square foot and will look awesome! I have started gluing pennies to some tiles, and when we have enough tiles, we will lay them on the new living room floor and then use some super think polyurithane over it. Hey, it will will be awesome because:
  1. my name is Penny
  2. it will be pretty
  3. it will up the value of my little house :)
  4. it gives me a new crafty project to do
So feel free to send me your pennies. I could use them!

Until next time.... keep crafting!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Things I wish I had known before...

For all of those girls out there, just getting married and having babies, a mother's perspective and a list that may help you.

As the mother of boys I can look back now and think, “Wow, I wish I had known that!” My life may have been a bit easier, had I known these things. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore the girls my boys have chosen. It was not easy with my eldest's lady at first, we had a LOT of issues, but as we have both grown and matured, we have learned to respect each other, and now have a great abiding love for one another that I would not trade for anything in the world. My youngest son's lady is adorable and sweet and is fitting well into the family. 

Here is a list that I have learned as a mother of boys, and as a daughter-in-law, a daughter, a young woman (stop laughing, I was once) and as wife. May it help all you young women out there blend into his family just a tad bit easier.

  • Every little boy's mother worries about the girl he will bring home. Act like the woman you want your little boy to bring home to meet you!
  • Understand that you will be trying to find YOUR place in HIS family. They have had all his life to fit in, it's your turn to fit into his. (Yes, I know the same goes for him and your family, but this is for you girls, not those boys!)
  • Treat his mother like you want your little boy's lady to treat you. Have respect for her, offer to help, do something other than produce babies for her child.
  • Remember, she thinks her child is wonderful, don't ever, ever tell her different! She will NOT side with you. She doesn't need or want to know how you plan to change her wonderful child.
  • Even if she complains about her child, you are not allowed too. At least not within her hearing, or the hearing of anyone who may tell some one's cousin who knows your mother-in-law's hair dresser's collage roommate's aunt.... remember, you are a woman, and women FIND OUT what you said. She will hold that one sentence said in a moment of anger against you for the next 64 years. (64, really, it's in the mother-in-handbook)
  • Never, never complain to your man about his mother. It is NEVER a good idea. Find a friend that will listen to you complain about “that woman” and let it out. But do not, ever, never, ever tell him.
  • Never agree with him when he complains about his mother. He will forgive his mom for what ever it is that made him angry, he will not, however, forget that you agreed with him.The most you should do is, nod your head and say, “I understand” while he complains.
  • Remember, his mom was his first kiss, she was the one who was always there for him, no matter what, she was the one who held him while he cried in 5th grade over the girl who broke his heart, she was the one who made him birthday breakfast and wiped his snotty nose. SHE IS IMPORTANT TO HIM. He will always need and want his mother in his life.
  • You are taking her baby from her. It may seem to you young girls as a silly thing for a woman to feel, but there it is. The truth in black and white. Give her time to adjust. Someday, some girl is going to come along and take your baby boy from you and you will understand how she feels.
  • Accept that there are some things in this life you will never manage to do as well as his mom. No matter how hard you try. I still refuse to make banana pudding because, “Noone makes banana pudding like my momma.” according to my husband.... I have watched my mother-in-law mix instant pudding and layer it in a bowl with banana's and cookies. I apparently do not have the knowledge of the correct banana to cookie ratio. I gave that up years ago and just let her be the best banana pudding maker in the world, I do other things well.
  • Remember, she has been a daughter, a mother, a wife, a daughter-in-law and a mother-in-law. That woman is full of knowledge and will probably be more than willing to help you out if you ask for it. (Yes, I know, some of us can't help but offer that advice anyway, in that case, LISTEN to what she has to say, THANK her for her advice. Whether you take it or not, she just needs to know that she is still important in her child's life.)
  • Remember that the older we get, the wiser we get. Why wouldn't you look to someone who knows your man so well for help? She will be able to tell you that the reason the only thing in life he refuses to eat is oatmeal is because they were so poor that they only had oatmeal for a year. Or the fact that it drives you crazy because he leaves the toilet seat up, is her fault because she learned in a houseful of boys it is better to put the lid down yourself than to sit on a wet spot.
There are reasons why she raised her son the way she did. Ask her. You may be shocked at her answers. You may learn something about your man that you had no idea. And in the process, you may even learn to be a good mother-in-law to the girl your son brings home someday. She is not evil, she is his mother. And you should count yourself lucky she let you have her child in your life.

It is said that there is no meaner animal on the planet than the mother of a hurt child. This fact does not change just because her baby turned 18 or 21 or 78. She will always love her child. Just as you will always love yours.

PS I have the above sign hanging in my house. The only difference is that I signed it "My Boys" instead of "My kids" and the colors, the colors are different too :)

Until next time...

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Painting Headaches

 Painting Headaches

Let me tell you about the headache I have at the moment....

It started so small... like the prick of a needle size. It quickly grew to the size of my fingertip, and stayed that way for about 20 minutes. It was a very strange feeling, having a headache that size, it was almost cute... It began to bloom, like a flower opening in time lasp photos, I could feel it open and spread. I could imagine the colors of that flower, deep, dark red at the very center, where it once was so cute and tiny, just a little bud of a headache. But as it opened, and blossomed and spread, as the petals of this flower unraveled and reached further and further out towards the confines of my skull it lessened just a little. The colors faded to a lighter red, and then a pink, eventually to the white of no pain at the very edges of each petal. Now, there are no edges, no pinks, no pretty shades to the “cute” headache I started with.. Just a mind numbing, deep throbbing almost black red that is pushing against my skull and searching for a small crack that it can get its tentacles into and push forth out into the world, where it would like to fill the entire planet with the pain and despair that is hammering and creeping and touching and stroking my skull. I am telling myself that I MUST contain this headache, I must save the world by NOT letting it escape, not allowing it out into this world I love so much, where it could, and would, destroy those I love so much.

Okay, yes, a little strange, I understand, but then I have always been a bit on the strange side...that's where my creativity comes from, deal with it. When I told Big Daddy that I wished I could paint this headache, he just help me close and said, “Only you baby, would think to paint a headache...” I just thought it would be so beautiful on paper at that moment, now, I know what a monster it would be.... I am just saying, that to have a husband as sweet as mine who would lay and hold you while you talk about painting a headache without having you committed is a pretty special thing. Poor baby has dealt with me on so many issues that he just takes it in stride now. He did offer to go find me a sinus pill (it's in his DNA to “fix” my problems, and I can see the pain it causes him when he can't) and then he got yelled at because I AM TRYING TO GET OFF THE MEDICATIONS NOT TAKE MORE! And after very gently explaining to me that there is a HUGE difference between Norco's and aspirin, he practically begged me to take 2 aspirin. I gave in, took 2 and am waiting for it to kill that monster growing in my skull now. I have one thing to say to everyone on this planet, you are welcome. I am saving your lives tonight by not letting this thing out of my head and into your world. I do this for those I love, for those I have never met and for my country, God bless America and God bless Earth!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Control Freak

Control freak

Valuable lesson learned this week. I am a control freak. I did not realize this until I found myself in a position that I HAD to delegate jobs to others and in that delegating, had to stop myself from giving exact step by step instructions on how that job was to be done. I learned to stop, breath and tell myself that they could handle it and that if they didn't do the thing the way I would did not make it wrong. I stopped myself a hundred times at least from commenting or in the middle of a comment on how to blow up a balloon, or how to tie a balloon or how to make a sandwich for a baby shower or how to hang a streamer or how to turn a cup just 1/16th of an inch so the best side showed.... yes, apparently, I am THAT woman! Oh, I HATE THAT WOMAN! How has no one killed me yet for this? Or pointed it out to me? How is it that everyone comes to me saying, help me with this, and then not say, “Penny, you are NOT helping, you are TAKING over!”?

Having this surgery so close to a baby shower I had planned turned out to be a good thing. Not the nightmare I was scared it would become. I learned something. I learned something about myself, that was important, that I am a control freak when it comes to doing the parties, I want them done my way, exactly my way. I learned how to give up some of that control this week, I learned to see “THAT WOMAN” in me, and to tame her, if not banish her completely. I learned to trust that others can do the job I assign them and I learned to sit back and LET others help. Who cares if she used the heels of the bread in those sandwiches other than me? When the guest of honor calls her party a success, we cheer and accept it as such. She enjoyed herself, she got the things she needed and everyone had fun. AND THE HEEL SANDWICHES GOT EATEN TOO!

Successful party, and lesson learned. Now if I can only keep this lesson learned for the next one!

Until next time...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The closet sized room from hell

Thank you all for all the prayers!

I have to take this moment to thank everyone who has been praying for me, for without your prayers, I am sure I would not be here today. I praised God the other day for making this surgery work out so well, even though there were stumbling blocks all along our way, I could see his hand working around the mess. I know now, with every fiber of my being that Satan himself was working against me, doing his best to take control of this situation and make it his own. At one point in the hospital, I felt like Job, being tested, and hearing God say, “Do not kill her.” I saw your prayers answered, this week my friends. I saaw what you have done for me with your prayers and your faith in Jesus and I saw God answer those prayers.

Let me start with where we left off last time. Packing to go to Houston for this surgery, to block the AVM in my pelvis....

That was Monday. ( I think, bear with me, it has been a long week and I am drugged). The plan was to leave after Jason got off work Tuesday., drive to Houston and stay in a hotel, get up, to be at the hospital early on Wed. morning. We had problem after problem, but I watched God open every door before us. By Tuesday evening, it was clear that we would not make it to Houston that night. I cancelled our reservations, (with NO penalty fees!) and we prapared to leave early the next morning, as in 3 in the morning. We over slept, didn't get out of the house until 5, but they called and told me I didn't need to be there until 10, and my surgery would begin at noon. We were there at 8, got everything done that we needed too and at the last moment there was an emergency that took the anisthiologist away for a while. We were told to “Hang tight” it was going to happen. It was 4 P.M. Before they took me back for the surgery, but everything went well. In fact, it went so well that they discovered I didn't have an AVM, I just had a “VM” (that is, it wasn't an artieral thing, it was just a vein thing, and not nearly as dangerous as they had feared.... God again? I think so!)

Next step, the RECOVERY ROOM. The nurses were awesome, RN's, all of them, I was assigned a nurse, who sat with me while I “recovered”. After which, I was to be moved to “my room”. I had been assured that I had a room and that there would be a couch in there for my husband to sleep on. I got into the recovery room at 6, by 8, I was coherent and ready to be moved. THIS IS WHERE SATAN STARTED.

My nurse was told that the department I was to be moved to had a nurse call in sick and so they would not be taking any patients that night. She was told, in a very clear understanding that I would be spending the night in the recovery room because they were ONE nurse short. I laughed, silly reason right? There was no way I could stay in that surgical bed all night, there was nowhere for Jason to SIT much less lay down and get some rest. I just knew this would be fixed. My nurse called and talked to the head nurse of the department I was to be moved too, told her that they were not set up to keep a patient over night. It didn't matter, was the response. They were not to be expected to deal with one more patient when they were so short handed (again, ONE nurse short). I lay there, on my back, amused by this turn of events. Still sure, this would quickly be resolved. HA, and again, HA. I finally talked them into letting Jason back there with me, but there was no room for a chair for him to sit in. We finally decided that he would have to leave and go get a hotel and come back in the morning. He was assured that I would be there for 23 hours, and that the earliest I would be released would be noon. By 10 O'clock I was believing that that crazy nurse would not be getting me a room, my husband was gone to a hotel and sleeping, I had to pee, I hurt, and I had heard the lady in the next curtain over being told for 4 hours that they were cleaning her room before moving her. I had had enough. I started crying, screaming (I know, not very Christian like but, hey, look at where I was here! All alone 3 and ½ hours away from home and told not to move my leg or my back!) I screamed that they had been cleaning that poor woman's room for 4 hours, I can clean clean my entire house in less than four hours, and that's after the grandbabies had stayed! I texted my niece Toni, all I wanted at that point was to talk to my sister, I could only think that if Cyndi were here with me, she would march down to that wing I was supposed to be in and whip someone's behind! She woulda too, if you know her, you are nodding your head in agreement. BUT, Cyndi was not near a phone, she was out with a friend and couldn't be reached.I have never felt more alone than I did that night. I cried, like a baby, I cried for my sister. After shift change, the new nurse of the recovery unit begain talking to the new nurse of the unit I was supposed to be in. They finally agreed to move me to “my” room. It was almost midnight before I got there. “There” being the room from hell. My room was the size of a closet. Litereally, a SMALL closet. Close to the size of Bertie's cage! Seriously, NOT exagerating here, there was a small chair in the room when they wheeled me to it, they had to take the chair out of the room to get the bed into it. My bathroom, was shared with the “room” next door. I had to pee on a potty that someone else who was IN THE HOSPITAL was using. WHO KNOWS WHAT KIND OF GERMS ARE LURKING IN ANY HOSPITAL, MUCH LESS HAVING TO SHARE A TOILET WITH SOMEONE! Grrr. Not the worst of it however, yes, it does get worse....

My blood pressure was 76/52, I told the nurse, I need to go pee. She said, “Okay, if you have any problems, let me know.” Now, if you are not faimlure with blood pressures that is LOW and I was already dizzy from that combined with the medications, not to fear though, I was able to sit on the side of the bed in the closet sized room from hell and grasp the handle of the communal bathroom. I got myself in there, I got myself back. And, yes, it still gets worse....

This morning, I woke up hungry, asked if they could get me something to eat, I was thrown a menu, told to call some 8 or 9 digit number and order what I wanted. I got yelled at for asking for the number again, and finally got a person on the phone. I asked for a cup of coffee and was told that that was not enough. So I asked for 2 cups of coffee. Again, still not enough. So I asked for a cinimon roll. I got my coffee. And still, it gets worse.....

At 7:30 I was told that I would be released at 8. I had no phone signal in the closet sized room from hell, unless I haeld the phone at an 86 degree angle toward what I thought was an outside wall (no window in the closet sized room from hell ) and I could get 1 bar. Thank you AT&T. Texted a niece with the phone number to the closet sized room from hell and asked her to call me. Thank you Julie. She called, we finally got Jason up and headed over.... and, you guessed it, it gets worse....

I spilled a cup of water while a nurse was taking my blood pressure and got myself soaked, the bed soaked and some on the floor. She says, oh, don't worry, I will clean that right up. And proceeds to wipe the water off the floor. When I asked for a dry gown she glared at me, and threw one on my lap, I hated asking for a towel to put on the bed, but, hey, why not....and yet, is can STILL get worse.....

The RN comes in, and says she is going to remove the IV's from my hands (yes, I had 2, one for each hand) She pulls one out, puts a bandaid on it and gets the second half way out when I ask for a towel to catch the blood squirting across the room for the first IV. She says, sure, hands me a towel and says she is going to get another bandaid. TWO HOURS LATER, I press the call button, and ask if maybe, perhaps, she had forgotten something..... and, you know it, it CAN and DOES get worse than that!

While waiting the 2 hours for that bandaide, a lady slips into my room and introduces herself as the patient advocate or something like that. She asks how my stay was and was everything as wonderful as I had hoped.... Yes, you guys KNOW I told her exactly how horrible this stay was in the closet sized room from hell. And she said...... wait for it..... “It's a hospital, honey, not a hotel, suck it up and deal with it.” then she proceeded to leave the room while I layed in that wet bed, with blood leaking down my hand with my jaw on my chest. Yes, she did just say that, didn't she??? And if you think, that would be all of this story, don't worry, we are not finished yet.....

We are told to go to the hospital pharmacy to get my script for pain meds. They assure us that they have faxed the script over and by the time we get there, it will be ready and waiting for us. It's not exactly IN the hospital, but it is THEIR pharmacy, they call it.... Walgreens. Here is a map for you to find it.:

Now, after finally finding Starbucks, we Jason stops the truck, parks and walks around looking for Walgreens.... no such luck. We drive around some more, still no Walgreens. We stop and park again in a no parking zone, find someone who directs Jason to it, INSIDE ANOTHER HOSPITAL.... He goes in, and they have NO RECORD and NO FAX for my script..... He calls the store we use at home and they tell us that,yes, the will be glad to fill it for us.... We high tail it out of Houston, and homeward.I cried on and off all the way home. Upset about this, promising myself that I will write a very stern letter to them and request a detailed, itemized bill. I really wanna know what that closet sized room from hell cost me for 6 hours....It took until now for me to realize that without all the prayers covering me the last few months that I may not have survived this Satan trip. I want to thank each and every one of you. I am relieved it is over, and look forward to my return trip in a month for post-op (NOT!). Just happy I made it home finally!

* Please excuse the speling and call it like it is, drugged....

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Small Snag, Little Worries, Lots of Love

Small Snag, Little Worries, Lots of Love

Ran into a snag on the dollhouse this week.... one little tab refuses to go into its hole and stay there. I have tried gluing it in, gluing and taping it in, gluing and super taping it in, used 3 different kinds of glue. I will next try to superglue, and hot glue it in and holding it in place until it the glue holds. I didn't get much done, as I got the girls Friday night and they didn't leave until last night, and today I expect them ALL back for the day!

I love it when my children come visit on Sunday's. It makes me feel special and loved, like maybe I did something right in the raising of my boys. Those boys make me so proud to be their mother! They both work hard and are good people, helping others when they can and standing up for what they believe in. The women they have chosen to be in their lives are good girls, who have morals and treat my boys like I would want them to be treated. They understand my boy's issues, cause lets face it, there isn't a man out there without some issues, and love them even with those issues. Those girls are wonderful and I couldn't have asked for better for my boys. Chris and Reaiah have given me two beautiful granddaughters and are expecting another in April. Those girls are my heart and soul. They are beautiful, smart and funny. LeiLei is very artistic and Karli Bug is just learning to walk (She started at 9 months!) LeiLei is in SPARK at school, a special class for gifted children, and makes me so proud! Karli got homesick yesterday, and decided to scream until her mother showed up to get her, I would say this one will be very vocal in what she wants!  Just saying, I love my kids, their girls and their babies so very much! 

I wont be here much next week, I have surgery coming up and will probably be out of it for a few days afterwards. We will leave on the 14th, to go to Houston for the surgery on the morning of the 15th, and should be back on the 16th if all goes well. I am, surprisingly, not worried this time, even though it will be my 4th surgery in less than a year, and they will be messing around with a major artery in my pelvic region. It seems a little strange that I have zero concerns this time, but, honestly, it is as if God has given me a peace like none other. Jason is on pins and needles over what the hospital is going to ask for a down payment, (they haven't been able to tell me until they talk to our insurance company), but even that is not a concern for me, I trust that it will all work out right and exactly like it is supposed too. I would have the hotel room booked already except for Jason's concern that we may need to postpone this until we have the amount they will require, I believe the amount will be okay and that we will have it. No postponement needed! 

Well, that about sums up everything on my mind today,  I may go sit and glue for  awhile now, and see if I can make that part stay before the family comes over. Wish me luck! Gonna need it there on that house! And I would like to thank everyone who has kept me covered in prayer throughout my health ordeals, I am sure I am so calm over this because you guys have all been asking our Lord for it! 

Until next time!

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Things I learned yesterday while working on the dollhouse:
1. Just because you chose your bedroom as the place to work on it, does NOT mean you should sand the wood in your bed.
2. Take breaks before you break something.
3. This may take longer than you realized.
4. you are gonna need boxes, or bags, or some way to keep things organized before you lose your mind completely.
5. Stain and Polyurethane STINK and should NOT be done in the same room that you intend to sleep in!

The instructions have 26 sections. A-Z. Each section has between 2 and 486 steps (OK, I could be stretching that a little BUT it SEEMS like that much!). I managed to finish section A last night. Yes, it was only 2 steps.... PRINTED.... BUT, they don't count, taking each piece out of the wood, sanding it, painting and/or staining it as part of the steps, so add time there! 

My floors are stained a pretty light color, and have been coated in 2 coats of poylurathan (yes, it's misspelled, sound it out, I am still drinking coffee here), then flipped over and the ceilings had a coat of Kiltz and 2 or 3 coats of paint (I can't remember). I am well pleased with the floors, the ceilings, eh, but they don't call me the Queen of Good Enough for nothing! I decided that should I choose to, I can always go back at some other point in time and maybe glue a piece of poster board up there to get a pretty white ceiling, or actually BUY some ceiling tiles, whatever, I was frustrated and tired.I also got everything taken out and ready to be sanded for Part B today.

 Had to walk away a few times in frustration, but thank goodness I have the Internet to run too when this happens! Just log onto Facebook and look at everyone else's frustrations or go to and lose yourself in some mindless games and cute pets. I don't know why, but the thought never hit my head to do dishes or sweep the floor when I got to this point! LOL Okay, I did do some clothes, even folded them and put them away, but normally, if they are washed and dried, it's "good enough!" 

Today, I need to figure out what exactly I am putting together so I can paint the things the way the are supposed to be, I am thinking this is going to be the hardest part of the day, but I sure the House from Hell has other plans for me... surprises that I wont even expect! The Beacon Hill dollhouse is my mountain, and I plan on crossing it, no matter how long it takes! 

And now... the cat is screaming for food and the rabbit is begging to have her cage cleaned... again! Did I mention that we have a cat and a rabbit? The funny thing is, I am allergic to cats, and I WANTED the rabbit! Of course, they have names, the cat I call "Cat" but LeiLei calls him "Peanut" It doesn't really matter what you call him, he only comes when you have a can of food in your hands, silly cat thinks he is the King around here, I haven't gotten him to understand he is living in the Princess's world yet. The Rabbit's full name is "Bertie Butterfinger Bunch" "Bertie" for short... say THAT out loud and see if it makes you smile! It sounds like "Birdie the Rabbit"! He/she/it was named after my best friends husband Bert. They both (Bert and Bertie) will eat just about anything. Bertie doesn't seem to know she is a rabbit and there for a(n) herbivore. She likes chicken nuggets, french fries, chips, pretzels, beef jerky, goldfish crackers, peppermint sticks,  electrical cords, boxes, paper and anything else she thinks she can put in her mouth, or anything I put in mine! She is a little strange, but so are the rest of my family so she fits right in... the CAT however, invited himself to live in my house, refused to leave and has decided that he will reside here for as long as he wants. I can't argue, he found the hole under the kitchen sink and lets himself in and out at will.

Okay, so now, going to get this day started! Wish me luck, I am sure I will need it today! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Here We Go

Since I started a new project, and in consideration of everyone on Facebook who would really rather NOT hear me ramble on about it for weeks (maybe months...or years?!?!) I figured I would just start a blog about life here in the Bunch household. So, before I start going on and on about my newest project, let me introduce myself.

Hi! I am Penny Bunch and I have a craving for all things crafty, am a knowledge junkie, an avid reader, and a married mom of two wonderful boys, and the two (almost three) most beautiful, and smart granddaughters of all time. (I could be a bit biased, but trust me, they are ADORABLE and BEAUTIFUL! Around here, they call me "Memaw" and it is the most wonderful name I have ever been called! I am married to Jason, who happens to be a truck driver, a wonderful provider, amusing, intelligent and soooo very, very patient with my crafts! There are many aspects of me, but if you will just hang out here and read my blog, you will get to know me, if you don't already, and if you do, then perhaps you find out something about me that you don't already know! So, lets get started!

For Christmas this year I decided I wanted a dollhouse kit. You see, we (My eldest grandbaby, LeiLei and I) put together a Fairy Garden in my back yard last year, and it was beautiful and special and attracted lots of fairies to our spot, (trust me, she saw some). But, somehow, when I get spring fever, I forget that I don't like to sweat in the summer time or freeze in the winter time, and that little fairy garden quickly became a mess of leaves and toppled over little houses. So, I tell myself, "I need to do this INDOORS, where the weather, cats and whatever's can come ruin it.... ta-da! Dollhouse idea!

 But, being me, I decided I would get the one that I would want for all time, instead of something that would be simple and easy to put together. I had done one other dollhouse, years ago for my Nanny, and I thought, I can do this! I searched for days, had friends sending me links to dollhouses to look at and after looking at all different type of doll houses, I came to the conclusion that I Ms Crafty-Queen-of-Good-Enough could put together the Green Leaf Beacon Hill dollhouse. Finally found a price that I thought my husband wouldn't murder me for and presented him with my plan. I had my arguments all planned out, ready to cry, pout, and stamp my feet when he told me, "Not paying that much for a toy." But, he smiled and said, "Go ahead, get it." I didn't even get to use my pouty lip.... 

On to ordering it and waiting frantically for it to come in, keeping myself busy in the meantime by checking out other peoples Beacon Hill house, and watching videos and getting hints and tips on how to put this thing together. Finally it arrived last night! YAY! I opened to HUGE box, and stared at all those little pieces, thinking, what have I gotten myself into? BIG BREATH, and go. Take out the "preinstructions" yes, this thing has instructions for the instructions... I read the pre-instructions last night, and checked to see if all the pieces are there... I missed one somewhere? This morning, I do it again, put all the sheets of plywood in order from 1 to 386 (ok, I may be exagerating a little here) and yes, I am missing one sheet. Sheet 13 is NOT IN THE BOX! I call and get a very friendly lady who is sending me sheet 13 in the mail. Read the instruction sheet again, and memorize steps 1 and 2. BIG BREATH and I take out all the floor pieces, (it is 3 stories high), and sand, stain and polyurathane them. Waiting for those to dry now so I can flip them over and paint my ceilings. and that should be day 1 of the house of horrors. But I will let you know tomorrow how much I actually got done. Here is a picture of what this house SHOULD look like when it is completed, with my own personal touches of course!